I personally like the second one, and can not stop looking at the last one, LOL.Only thing I would mention about them, is to try using colorblind...
I will give it a 2.7, its just kinda bland.Not much happening there.No effect, no action, just standing.
Thats, just the style of my pics, I like to have it on one side or the other.I dont know why, lol.Thanks for the reply will try to center next...
Well, these pics are all from my new Gamertag: a orange guy.I'm trying to make my pics stand apart from everyone else's pics.Let me know what you...
This map should be in Competitive.This Map has scenery in it that does not belong in a MLG Map.Ex:Fusion Coil(s),Crate(s),Pallet(s),Barrel(s) and...
I like the white outlined look, what is that in the background?I have a pic with the name Chaos to lol, I give this pic a 4/5. Chaos...
Looks really good, interlox are smoot for the most part. 4/5 Its a little small.
I like the first and last photo's the most.The Green Electric pic is pretty good to, I think it would have been better with a darker backdrop. 3.5/5
Messing aroud with the Fx's today.Got me this pic on Ghost Town. [IMG] |DOWNLOAD| Halo 3 File Details
|X| Represent |X| [IMG] |DOWNLOAD| Halo 3 File Details
The last two are just ok, and the first two are boring,the scetch effect is cool.Only if theres something going on in it though, like a good...
Descent set, my pick of the four would be number 3.Its just right, the top 2 are boring, and bottom is blurry.
I dont think its really worth the time to forge on cold storage, not much you can really do to change the map or the gameplay in my opinion.
I have a map, nearly completed.I dont want to post it until I get the spawn points down good.I need help getting them just right.If someone will...
Very interesting pic lol, Try it with other effects on to.See if it looks and different.2/5 Lol, just kinda wierd.
I like the sense of humor, I'm wondering if this is going to be a series of pics?
Kind of boring, may be and xploding coil behind him and a different weapon choice would look better. 1/5 Sorry, didnt impress me.
Im a big fan of the black N white pics.My favorite screenshot artist (what ever you call it lol) is Corolnal Sanders.These made me think of his...
I hate when people judge my maps without playing them as well, lol.Im will reply again l8er after I've tested it out.
Wow, I personally like this because you dont ever see any pelican pics, and this one even has an effect.4/5 Try getting a spartan in the pic...