Effect looks pretty Ez but I like it.3/5, its a OK pic
Is he behind it in the air, or is he actually on it.3/5
His hand is definately in that region.A different angle would have been better.2/5
Really good angle on pic, effect is very nice, and you used the rule of thirds.5/5
I like the laser, like pretty much everyone else.It just is better,the yellow glow just looks odd.2/5 for the laser 0.5/5 for glow
Wow, very impressive pic!I usually dont like snipe pics at all because there in almost every post.But this one really stands out above the...
The fourth one is my favorite,4/5.You guyz are lucky, wish I could play the new maps.
Sorry, just pics of his face, nothing special.No effects, action, posing, or scenery.well there is a little action, his shields regenerating.1/5
Put a crate or some big item where the tear for the shotty's spawn is, start new round and delete.If that doesnt work add me, ' a orange guy ' is...
The last 1 gets a 5/5 the others get a 2/5.
#'s 6 and 9.The rest are just dull.Those to get a 4/5
Wow, yet another sniper pic.Sorry, tired of no originallity.Lots of pics of snipes.This one gets a 2/5.
It's ok, lol Ive seen sum sick ones that look 3D. 2/5
Im not impressed with the pic, but I like that your using the hammer in your pics.Im sick of the snipe being the only weapon I see! 1/5 for this one.
Very nice, my only complaint it that everyone uses the sniper in pics its getting boring.5/5 for this one though.
Wow, this is the second map I've seen posted, not counting my own.That has the same name "Instinct".I will check it out as soon as there's pics.
Numbers one and two get 4.5/5 but the third one is just wierd, 1/5 for it.How do you do the green effect, if you dont mind revealing your secrets?
Im not to impressed, nothing special going on in the pic, no emotional aspect, and background/effect is ok but used in alot of pics on here. 1/5
Effect is insane, and the second (Choose a Side) one is by far better than the Hyabusa.First one gets a 2/5 but the second gets 5/5
Ok, from these I see you posing, try to put a wierd effect with it and see what happens.Try random combos.Example: Overshieldsx4,Forced color...