Humorous, and original.Wish he was a different color than the one in the turret, other then that great pic.3/5
Im not sure what to think of.Makes me wonder what the point of this screenshot was?The looks or distortion from the Bubble shield?2/5
I like it, not many others on here like it.Its, originallity scores it a 3.5/5
I would agree with EL3CTRONIC, its just another pic of 2 odst.1/5 effect is used alot as well.
I love the pic, looks great.Im also kind of curious where it was takin at?Gets a 4/5.
Want to meet me in a 1v1?Garbage bk?
Well, its is funny how your name is no where on the thread.The thread has no pics.Which means the person that posted the thread has no experience...
You said "this is not a MLG map ....MLG maps dont have fence wall , sheild door, a MLG write with cone, no movable object , no...
Ah, I see.Thank you, I will be more detailed from now on.I did how ever dl the map.(For the record)
I didnt put 3/5 on the post so it was spam?
Hi, I recieved a infraction.In which Im not upset, I just wonder why I got it,I left what I liked and disliked about the map...That is what the...
I didnt notice the first play though on this map, but you have wire spools or w/e they are called.They are not allowed in a MLG map, unless held down.
I like the center peice. The bases and area with the 2 signs on each side, looks really bare.
I have updated the map.I will be posting pics at a later date.I took out everything that was against MLG Standards (fusion coils,...
I like it, 3/5 wierd to look at.
I agree the background is great, grid is cool. But 8/10 pics are just people posing with a snipe.The color of the armor is completly your choice...
wow, I learned something new from this pic.5/5
Wow, wierd pic. 4/5 for uniquness or however its spelt.
Pretty descent pics, cant see the spartans head to well in the first one,I would like it more if you were able to, thats my opinion though.Does...
Wow, that is what the pic is of.But because its so simple makes it a bad pic? I like the description and the pic. 4/5