The top one is cool, i see you got it as your sig.The bottom one is a little boring.
Third one is only one that catches my eye...The rest arent bad, just not to my taste.
Kind of a rip off of the home made hog...But still funny.
I think it would be better without the bright green ball.3/5 and it is kind of a small pic.
He does have a somewhat wierd pose, not much else going on.. keep trying. 2/5
The first one is ok.. The rest arent any thing speacial.They look like random shots.2/5
I on the otherhand, like the weapon choice.I guess there just mad its not another 1 of the 1000 sniper pics on here. Great effect.4/5
the last one is pretty good, wish you could see the front of the spartan,3/5.The rest are kinda bland.
Pics are still down, got to get them fixed or the post will end up getting deleted.
I like it, and my first impression was that it reminded me of praying to recon.3.5/5
This is my cousins screenshot, he asked me to post on here since he is not a member.Let him know what you think of his pic.Thanks. -Eternal...
I not only enjoy the idea of game created for this map.The fact that it is on snowbound is awesome!No one forges there. 5/5
Final count down, and run get a 5/5 great pics.the rest were kind of bland.They get 2.7/5
The last two are great.I like the original twist you put on them. 4/5
The name does make every one click to see it. Just a shotty with light all around it.1/5
Wow, things to do in life, Tbag someone in halo[x], Get an extermination [x], Draw pikachu out of weapons and equipment [X].Life is complete! 4/5 lol
I dont see the angel either, unless the spark to the left is what he is talking about. 1/5
Very calming, looks like something you would see at a art show. 4/5
There both really good, I think I like the elite looks better in the original, but background is better in second 1. 3.5/5
Verny nice, Love the weapon choice.Im sick of snipe pics.5/5