Tom overload. If Tom Hanks was in jail for stabbing someone he'd be called Tom Shanks. If Tom Hanks danced to Ska Music he'd be called Tom...
One AC Unit was talking to another, the latter of the group was quite upset. Trying to comfort the other the first said, "Don't worry, you can...
I hate it when I want to be the very best like no one ever was but I forget to catch freaking Goldeen.
It would have been cooler if you had a tattoo of your ex girlfriend who cheated on you mixed with Zach Galifianakis.
Why'd the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
Yet another misunderstood man who is thought to be a pervert: [IMG]
That is exactly like camping, cause its intense.
Thanks Walrii! I'll totally enjoy the cookies and cake.. but the motel.. I don't know man.
Okay, so whenever I am building a forge map I'll save and quit. Whenever I get back on it to work on it again all of the bigger sized pieces are...
This image could be used to troll people who are flaming. [IMG] Anyways, speaking of trolling.. I hate it when I fall into a cleverly disguised...
I don't know much about the Ocean, so I won't go into Pacifics. And now... A pun picture! [IMG]
Living in New Mexico.. Its so frustrating whenever a skinwalker eats your chickens and kills your neighbor to do demonic rituals. =\
Hey man, Thanks Berb! Are you in charge of that contest in your signature?
Yes, that joke was absolutely punderful. I am liking these so far guys, keep em coming! Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut...
The punchlines are in bold to help the unfortunate. I tried to make a joke about penguins, but it didn't fly. I tried to make a joke about that...
Why is this called pun needle? Because we haven't gotten a thread yet! Yes, yes.. I know that joke was absolutely appalling, but thats what...
Haha to be honest I think some of the NES games were the hardest ever and still are. Some of the things that came out on that system were...
This looks pretty intense, I like the way you made everything mesh together so well.
Thank you bros (unless you are sisters, then thank you sisters) I plan to enjoy my stay here and I will be sure to read the rules. I am gonna have...
I am ZombieGuineaPig and I got here because of the desire to be able to have other people see my maps, I will release some soon after I touch them...