I played this on forge and there are only FIVE cones. The forge god gives you 20 to start with and when I was in forge it said you had 15 left....
New Mexico
A man was arrested and placed in jail. While there he schemed of ways to escape. First, he tried escaping by being taken out with the trash, but...
How about a sniper machine gun. Anybody could use a sniper machine gun. Jk that'd be ridiculous. I think what I want most is ridiculously...
I am stuck on trying to get this one.. I'll feel stupid here soon enough.
Good job Sinless, playing on this map was a blast even though I just proved how badly I suck at Halo on it. Great and simply layout, that is easy...
I haven't found any of these to great yet, plus I haven't been on here for awhile because I thought it was dead. I think to be worthy of the Hall...
This looks sick! Please Add and invite me if you can!
Its probably been said but this happens to me ALL the time: Someone repeatedly betrays me to the point it ruins my game completely and I don't...
I would like: -Fire Fight Forging Ability -Multiple colors in Forge (Example: Painted pieces instead of just different colored lights inside...
Oh my gosh, I feel so silly for making these mistakes. I forgot to set the Canvas back to Forgeworld after previewing my post.. Thanks so much...
Height Created by ZombieGuineaPig [IMG] Map Description Height is a two through four player symmetrical map. The map itself focuses around...
I have an easier way to post pictures! Step 1: Take your screenshot while playing Halo: Reach (Or whatever Halo you are playing) Step 2: Go to...
Cool story bros.
I tried to figure out how to do the getting rid of wall glitch for hours but for some reason it just won't freaking work. I did everything that...
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. Some guy will come along shortly and tell you there are cookies (and cake) in the back, probably.
I hate it when I make some milk shakes and a bunch of random boys show up in my yard. Its so dumb.
Wow, people are freaking out about this way to much.
On the other hand if you start it with "Mwa" It becomes an evil laugh. Mwahahahahahaha Then if you do it with "J"s it becomes a spanish laugh...
If Tom Hanks was a sped man who had an awesome adventure filled life time his name would be Forrest Gump.