this looks like a challanging race map i like it a lot 4/5
i dont normally like maps on standoff but this is one of the best ones ive seen 4/5 with a dl
sounds like a fun map lookin forward to playin it 3/5
Great looking map my concern is in the back of the base where you put the wall i recommend if you didnt do it already is to geomerge that. but all...
hello i saw a couple of your posts and you seem pretty cool then i saw that you live in chicago as do i ttyl
wats up saw a couple of your posts and i see you live in chicago as do i i hope we can be friends
Great looking map, you have my download i will get back to you on game play job well done
no i dont have recon i wish lol
okay i'll keep that in mind thanks
thanks a lot!
great looking map looks very neat great job! cant rate gameplay yet i'll get back to u on that
im doing well i kept searching for the GFAQ'S post but i couldnt find it
hey sup?
Great looking map dude i'll dl it
Great Nice map dude eva wanna play hit me up on live. GT: PhantomBishop