Let them have their Tesla, and let them choke on it too. Hope this season falls flat on its face.
By the looks of things (I've been scouring the BE HCS S2 thread looking for mentions of maps) it appears the pros aren't even scrimming on any of...
It's not a freaking parody! And it certainly isn't satire! The fact that you have the gall to label it as either is an insult to comedy...
Made it to about 45 seconds and was turned off by the absurdity. The best satire is subtle and very tongue-in-cheek, but this is ridiculously...
Alright, see you didn't take my advice. Shame. So much lost potential... Would be better as a believable satire instead of absurdity.
Congrats on being the biggest prick on the forums. Hope you feel real good about yourself.
I hurd thur war bad maps thur. :P
Perks of being friends with the staff... Knew I was gonna be in a bad mood about Halo stuff, was going out drinking because I wanted to have fun...
Favourite map? Prisoner. There's something about the blending of vertical elements, the unorthodox z-shape, multitude of powerups and weapons, and...
Had a couple of laughs at the start, but found myself more annoyed by the 100th time he said "tactical". Would be so much better if this were a...
Oh, I forgot this was a thread. :O
Meh. Calling it right now, season 2 is gonna tank. Between the game already being stale and lackluster map selection for s2 consideration, who...
Had a different response to you, but had War look it over because I was worried it might be too heated. Here's the deal Nok, I'm not trying to...
I guess that's the difference between you and me then, because I wouldn't want to work with people like that. Kinda sad that being a CC means so...
Your refusal to take a stand and make the process more transparent is part of the problem here Nok. How can you sit back and let this be...
I wasn't "banned", I asked War to revoke my posting privileges for 12 hours because I was going out for drinks. I'm fine with Tesla because at...
I'm not even sure if the 60s Hill is a good arguement for Eden vs Orion given its overall size and layout. More likely than not, most of that 60s...
Glad you're not salty with me here since I wasn't giving the most warming of responses... To be blunt, Erupt and Athelon are the only two...
Congrats on making the HCS cut. This map and Erupt where the only ones that did that deserve a place in the running. Glad to see hard work pays...
Can't blame ya man. You got the short end of the stick. Had a solid map with a large support base and went through the hassle of reforging it to...