So it's the H4 Rail Gun, but with host shot built in?
Halo Customs is garbage and never effing loads for me. How 'bout you upload your images some where more reliable instead?
Um... What's up with super tracker RPG gun? Also, this game better ship with like 20 MP maps if they're having half the maps being slight...
Had a fun lobby going early with the one and only NINJA. But that wasn't exactly my lobby, although we played a couple of my maps. :P
I believe you're missing my point mate, I'm not saying anything about Greenskull's opinion. I'm saying let the gameplay speak for itself. The...
Jesus guys, calm your ****. I'm not keen on Greenskull either, but I'm not gonna bash him about the H5 videos as they actually do a pretty good...
Hiiiiiiiiii! Haven't seen you around lately, did you finally pack up and leave cause you can't take being top dog around here sweet heart?
Years ago back in Reach I used to do regular custom lobbies for forge maps, and as of late I've been running them almost on the daily again so I...
I honestly don't see what the fuss is about. We knew sprint is here to stay. Sprint has become the general consensus standard in the AAA Shooter...
Woah, and here I'm 27, unmarried, no real relationships (does 2 months count?), and wrapping up grad school. I feel like everyone my age is either...
Got a game or two yesterday (or the day before), and still think it could use some slight tweaks regarding sight lines and pathing, but over all I...
Thanks for cleaning up the post Army. Of course we all know who figured it out first. ;)
Looks like you've managed to address some of the scaling issues I brought up, glad to see. I'll have to get some games on this some time.
You still around duder?
It's really not too different from default settings tbh... Faster movement speed and static weapon spawn timers is the big difference.