Hey Welcome to Forgehub, you'll need to post screenshots of your map or it will be locked 24 after posting :/ Linky to screenshot guide: Linky...
It comes out on Friday here :D I can't wait I've got it pre-ordered at game. I'm considering getting both the pc and xbox versions like I did with...
^this although I'll add that you have to re-select the map from the maps menu.
Hey balal, please embed your pics, to do this instead of using the [URL] bb-codes use [img][/noparse] this will show up as: [img] [IMG]
In Scotland we don't get GCSE's and A levels we get Standard Grades and Highers/Advanced Highers; we also get them like 2 months earlier than the...
That is the most awesome xbox I have ever seen. I would definitely buy one of those if Microsoft made a special edition like that
One of my favorite Chewin' the Fat sketches. YouTube - Taysiders in Space (Chewin' the fat)
I love Cee Lo. This is an awesome vid :D so therefore this is truely epic :P
By request from Penguinish I've taken down the vid.
hey adamassed
BUUUDDHAAA come in the lolbox we need your help banning a noob spammer
No your entire team is baby!
Your entire Team is baby!
Its the forum version of the old spice advert :P anyway OT: The screenshot is strangely unique and cool. So you I like it keep it up :D
I just thought I'd answer your question about steam her rather than posting on an old thread. So yeah you can add non-steam games to your games...
Ice fishing!
He's giving the map away since he doesn't want to finish it, hence the map adoption prefix. Anyway OT, I wouldn't have time to finish this map so...
Fail you can't link images directly on bnet :P Hers the actual image: [IMG] As for the pic, even though its pretty simple I like it, its a lolworm!
"I'm still recovering from MJ's death"
My all time favorite is: "Sir, there has been a family emergency I wont be able to come in today and most likely the rest of the week" or