redrumv2 DOWNLOAD HERE 2v2 heaven redrum v2 only uses half of the foundry floor. it has some intrlock bases. and one big building in the center....
please just submit ur gamer tag right now its just f4ce 2 face me bosshogging420 u here u here so please just let me get a couple of guy i...
wel i know what ur saying about the nade jumping i put the walls in first but then needed to make the higher but i didnt have enough money left
lol at least u got a sense of humor
i know i cant spell but on another note i can read really good.
thanks i ran low on money when i was making the walls to keep u in but i done the best i could im not really that good at forging but i try
biohazerd biohazerd is a medium sized ffa team slayer map. it has 3 structures. the first is called the crab it has 3 ways in and a little area on...
well in halo 2 they had the one part where thier were all the white elites and hunters and some brutes that enjoyed to play and to be honest i...
we just wanted one spot in the campain where u were agianst every thing the game could offer im talk a ton of elites jackels grunts brutes hunters...
ok so u hit the mushroom button got it
thanks for the comps i used photoexplosion for the effects alls i did was adjust the focus and sharpen it i thought it looked good
the never ending post man u cant find the bottom of this thing wow any nice map i like how its based on somthing from real life
PARADOX download here :desription: paradox is a small team slayer or ffa map. it has 3 levels the bottom floor, midsection, and the top...
thanks i i dont know i thought my map was good but looking around here i can tell it really aint nothing special i just want to make somthing...
no it wont be in the hopper although i would be honered if they did no i dont really no what mlg standers are i played it online and made a map...
trust me i cant spell i misspelled cat on my first grade spelling test but on anouther note i can read at a college level ya the the snipe is...
yah im gonna go on ahaed and steal this map from u too muhaa ha ha
i have a non mlg variant that me and my buddies play from time 2 time it has a laser and shotgun on it and some of the carbiens are switched out...
i know it made but when i play with my buddie we usally play mlg slayer and they liked the idea of the eq being there it makes the map better and...
i have more pics but i will only let me post 4 of them i have 4 more but cant place them sorry