RaWeSt MaP v2 DOWNLOAD HERE this is a remake of the first map i done on foundry it was improved shuch as a couple new additions like the fence...
thanks for all the comments. well i made this map a long time ago before interlocing and start save placement. so i remade it. i almost didnt post...
TRIPLE THREAT V2 downloadhere :description: this is a ffa teamslayer map. its a very well made map it about high and lows their is so much to this...
ill think about it
im on right now and all my maps thus far have been the effort of just my self so if anybody wants to make a forge map post ur gamer tag and ill...
how do u make a working door mecanism im making a map that needs one so it cant be huge thought a the smallest simplest way this could be done...
ok. i put two brs so u can pick up ammo. u probaly wont live long enough to run out ur starting ammo but if u do u would most likely get more...
thank you. i left the one part of the map a little open so it woulnt be to clusterd.
sweet map my man. i think ill download and give this sexy thing a ride.
alright i now have a non mlg version on this page so u can download that if u would prefer it to the mlg version thanks for all the comments. i...
i have another version with more weapons that ill post a little later
she is a sexy beast. i like it. pic remind me of a skate park(the grind rails)
i really like the structer of this map it not overly complicated but is still complex. not an easy feat to achive.
MLG blood bath download here to take the bath desription the bases. the base have 2 wall corners as coverpoints and somthing to fight around. they...
i like this map i think it looks good for 1v1s
thanks for the comps
ya i cant really tell whats going on with this map some bigger pics would be great
yah its a little bumby but nothing thats gona stop u up well unless u go over one of the fence wall but that was intinal so people down below...
it was an accident it was suppost to have 3 rings but limted supply made it imposible
killionaire this map is shaped like a pair of handcuffs. it has two stories to it. is a completely semtrical map. it a close quarters map. with...