if anybody could remake a couple maps for i would appricate it. halo maps hang em high halo 2 maps assencion beaver creek mid ship the one...
i was staying up at the hospital with my grandmother and the broke in my house and stole my xbox. the strange thing is my lab top was sitting...
i know but i had this video on utube already and i would tell u whats on the map the weapons and such but i cant get that info cause i dont have...
Command Core this is a small midship like map that is good for dubs and ffa just watch the vid leave feedback. took me ages to do and still...
ive been working on it for a week now so i dont plan on finishing anytime soon so if u a want ill be on tomorrow around 4pm to midnight somewhere...
i need a good forger to help me place a couple boxes for my map. im merging them with the wall and the floor at the same time and cant get them...
im good at numbers 1-3 and 7. im alright at numbers 4 6 8 but number 5 i usally dont think about a map before i make i usally start by laying...
i making a map and having trouble with merging a couple boxes i got alot of my box merged alread but i been working on merging these boxes for a...
i sitting working on a map was wondering if anybody would like to join and help me finish it up i think i got a good one but i a avarage forger...
thanks bro cause i been sitting here trying to line up these two boxes for hours. and i got to say it really getting under myskin lol i didnt...
ok i put a teleport in an open box merged the open box with double box behind it and then put a shield door infront of the teleporter i was trying...
i can geomerge a object in the ground and geomerge a object to a wall but i cant for the life of me get an object to geomerge a wall and the...
i really was having trouble just getting cover on all of the platforms the barn like thing ate up my entire savings account. lol. i under stand...
im sorry but im kinda disappointed i put alot of time and effort into making this and no is even at least gonna say anything good about it. feels...
ECLIPSE this map is a nonsymetrical map. That based around the highground style of map. It has high point which u can stand on and fight from,...
your a good map desinger but if u used interlocing and start saving u could make alot better maps. just check out the forge technies page.
sweet map interlocking is really good. BY THE WAY IT HAS AN AWSOME NAME
sential i aprreciate the thoughtness of your reponse and im working on geo merging but i can never get to boxes the same hieght or out the same...
how am i being big headed i theres only a couple of minor things wrong with and none of them interfear with gameplay so their acceptable. i think...
ok so one wall is crooked and ill never here the end of it