Actually using a soft kill zone inside the teleporter tends to fix that camping problem. Edited by merge: Well when you can make a better...
Thanks for the Idea i will Give it a try.
There are 3 types of king of the hill Static, Sequence, and random. I got a good set up for random. but the problem is i want the hill in the...
I typically use the weak zones to say hey spawn here. basically the area offers alot of cover is a good spot to spawn. i leave the ones that...
Lol yeah i used to do that alot. You can also set the Respawn zones to be team specific or asymetrical and sysmetrical. this allows you to set...
Ok i'm generally confused about what the labels in invasion do so i though it would be a good idea to compile an easy to understand list. Even...
Srry not possible you will want to use a hill marker, capture plate, or flag stand for your flags spawn point. since the label Flag_return or...
Pretty much all of them but i would preffer the basics first such as capture the flag, assualt, and odd ball.
How do you set up a map for objectives game types. im stil a little confused by all the labels and stuff pls help.
No i have never played world of warcraft. I wanted to make a reverse semetrical map. This is the product of that inspiration. This is also a...
Ellipse - Link Fixed Ellipse [IMG] Key Features 1. The bridge The Bridge is the Heart and soul of this map. from the first moment you step foot...
i like the map its orginal alot of people like griftball and what not. so i bet alot of those people would love your map. i learnt something you...
yes i hate that i try and try but they alway end up at diffent highiets i have the say problem with the dubl blocks thiers just some bumps i...
i know how to do all that stuff interlock geomerge i could even spend allday worring about how pretty it looks but i dont. i make it for gameplay...
shockwave shock wave is a competitive map. made for slayer and team slayer. it has only covant weapons. weapons. 1-plasma pistol-full-spawn-30...
if u want u can help me i dont quit know how to make inclines yet but some help or pointer would be great thanks.
no it not mlg i made it to be compatible with mlg but not for it. Beside its to small to have power weapons so mlg weapon set seemed a perfect fit...
i want to make a map. dosent matter what it is. so lets make a map togher. just send a fr to aint i puttn on check out some of my work if u want...
you are aware that this is the same as the unrealtournament 3 last level map right just thought id share otherwise nicely done.