Just take a weak zone and put it anound the spawn point you want the one guy to spawn at. assuming you dont have any hard or other weak zones on...
I was thinking kinda like the featured maps section but it has only the best remakes of Maps and could be sub divided based on which game the map...
ireally helpful guide. Im currently working on a new spawn stratgy that dosent involve respawn zones Im calling it spawn clustering. How it works...
Yeah i currently testing the grid in a more profound way. It will be some time before i have any actual compelling resualts. So many variables to...
yes that is exactly what it is. the grid is meant to influence respawns across the map based on where your enemies and allies are. that why the...
What you will need At least 6 Anti spawn zones and 6 weak spawn zones To begin layout you spawns and spawns zones as normal leaving only...
I remeber reading that post by stevo and it gave me an idea for setting up some spawns still need to be tested but im gonna include it n my next...
I will help you test your map. Xgschronicsbest. If you want you can help me test one of mine but you don't have to.
LOl i have the same problems but only i cant forge indoor maps. Ive tried and failed many a time. Anyway sweet looking map would give it a DL but...
Wow u really know the spawning system well. I Never really bothered to overlap the respawn influencers i guess i was under the impression that...
I would like to see a remake of the tower towers map from Unreal tornament 3
Im about 1/4 of the way through the basic geometery and running out of ideas for the map. Was thinking a new perspective may help out quite a bit....
After looking over your map i found that the rocked room may be a little to easy to camp and you need to add some more spawns. Other than that The...
The areas flanking the top center look a little exposed might make the top center a little to powerful other than that a really good looking map...
From the overview it looks kinda like blue might have an easier time getting the rockets off the spawn and it also looks like red might have...
Thanks I have 3 more maps ready to go just gotta go throught the ungodly long process of setting up the objectives. also i might release a v2 of...
This map remindes me of my style for making a map only i usaully dont put cover in the open areas. Its a good thing. I find impossible to make a...
Jumper cable - Can Recharge your teamates shield to 50%.
I had this idea that i though would work really good in a Rpg or MMO. Having a agillity stat usaully relates to how fast you move or how well you...
This was my first reach map i was still getting the hang of how every thing would work. I really rushed it to be honest The spawns are still in a...