I agree with you. I think that bungie should include some new stuff in thier next forge map. basically instead of creating and entirely new forge...
Gamertag: XGSchronicsBest Times you can get on: When ever execpt sunday Mic yes/no?: Yep (dont talk much) Something describing yourself: Me Some...
Rosevelt Research Center RRC is influenced by halo Ce. Mainly the last mission the part where the two walkways lead to the center viewing...
Sorry man i really cant offer much in terms of spawning( i still struggle with it myself ) I find it kinda hard to do co forges i dont have a MIC...
No man I wasnt talking about you running ur mouth there was this kid who posted some crap on FH post. while the kid had some good points the...
I would say give them mongoose's and ghost in phase one their quick an can quickly clear lagre distances. and counter balance the ghost with a...
Yeah thats my style I dont really see alot maps that are made like mine. It hard to make the maps feel different when they are actually pretty...
Im going to be honest with you. the map looks good astectcaly but there are just to many game play issues for the map to even need to be considerd...
So im assuming that you actually played a game on at least one of them. Cant say that your wrong i have only ever gotten a single one map and that...
Yea i have a hard time keeping the weapons down to a minum. I know i shouldnt but it alway seems such an easy answer to keeping people from...
Map Name: Rosevelt reseach center Link to Bungie.net file:...
AINT YA MAMA's MAP PACK Plague Description - Plague is an arean type map thier are two tunnels in the center of the map and couple of...
yea that is true but having a slight overlap on the very edge never hurts but only if there is no other option. By chance you didnt place one...
Im not sure how i done it but i will recount all the event i done. Forged a map - on live Signed in player 2 as alterate account - silver...
I having some issues with my frame rate on one of my maps. i just want to know how to get rid of it. If you want you can come an take a look over...
The open cluster are only there to detect where the enemy is at mainly place where people are going to go alot and then saying if no one is there...
LOS stand for Line of sight. How this works is you take a small group of spawns i usually use 3. place them in places that can be easily seen....
You can try my spider web map if you like snipers. Anyway i want to host some custom games tonight at 6:00 central if your down i hit u up with...
WHack a mole. Do you thinks its possible. i was thinking using teleportors and grav lifts to make it where they keep flying up and just disable...
Yes its really quite easy just take a one way shield place inside of a block then when you walk under the block you will float as if your crossing...