I know. I have to go shower I will be back soon.
Ummm has he posted back yet? Also he can not selectively only believe what some teachers say and not others. He believes his math teachers easily...
I do not like the stick fellow. (>_<) Man he is the highest point of idiocy in the world right now. I showed his posts to a couple of religious...
I could just as easily say that the truth is that you are ignorant because you will not listen to any Atheist about God. That does not excuse it...
Dude I know, these two guys have no logic behind their arguments. I think you are making perfect sense. This newB guy has a little logic, but the...
Are you referring to the Big Bang as chance, or Evolution?
They are very easy to learn, plus you don't need to know them in depth, unless you want to. You should build one, it is a great experience.
The stuff you know about computers is probably enough to build one. You don't need as much knowledge as you think, you don't need to know about...
Download CPU-z ang GPU-Z. After you run them printscreen and post the screens here.
How do I send you a PSD?
He still does not know. (V_V)
YOUR MOMMMM!!!!! I will at 10:00
\Get online.
Can someone recommend a capture card that will work with vista 64-bit. All the ones I find only work with 32-bit.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLO FAIL I told you you didn't need/have 64 bit. You don't even have 8gbs of RAM!!!
Dude the capture card that Psycho sent you won't work. You have Vista 64 bit.
I don't have the maps, I have to wait until they come to the market place. GT: Cheesepuffs96
So, nothing changed besides you have no work now?
Stop being sad, only they have that right.