I don't really know how the scoring works for the AMC 8, can you explain?
I never got the chance to take the AMC 8. Was it hard?
Awwww man why sarcasm?
Yeah, I started two weeks ago, I like it a lot. I am jumping around though. That could hurt me.
Well not specifically for this, but just in general I am forgetting things that I learned long ago, so I want to review. Plus I am teaching my...
Man I am preparing for it next year though. I have to review everything. So no one else here took it?
Which one was that again? I only got up to like 17. (>_>) One kid at our school got a perfect on the usamo in 2004 I think. Brian.
A math competition that America uses to get six team members for the international team to compete in IMO. If you do well you take the AIME then...
Did anyone here take the AMC? How well do you think you did?
Factory default what?