Reply to what?
Does this mean you have been trolling this whole time. Because if it were true it would aptly explain how someone could just ignore everything we...
I will ask you to reread my post. I clearly explained why common sense is the thing that made us believe the earth was flat, because to them duh...
I'm just going to point out that common sense has no place in science, unless it is backed by proof and at that point it is not really common...
Define 'life form'.
I did not know if you were serious or not. Also did you see my second point? Any comment?
For your first part, it is impossible. As far as I know you can not know the speed and place of a particle at the same time only one or the other...
I'm done here then. If you do not take this at least somewhat seriously, then why should we? You have made numerous baseless claims, insulted many...
Please, I put thought into that write up and I would like you to address all of its subjects, not just make a short statement and ignore most of...
First of all, insulting someone is not the best way to make a point. Secondly since you did not show your level of education, I'm going to assume...
First of all you have given me nothing to support your statement. Unless you have done this or something similar, this holds no water. Also, "What...
No it does not, not one thing in physics supports that.
You could talk about Nuclear Fusion, and talk about a Farnsworth Fusor. Or talk about Cold fusion instead, but if you want to go into Quantum...
Yes lines are infinitely long.
Wrong a line has no width to begin with, any line that has width is not a line, but a 2d shape. So lines have no width, circles have an infinite...
If I read this correctly you are saying that a line or line segment has both a length and width, and we must take into account the width when...
Don't worry there is an easy fix for most cases. Lets say you kill mister -8billion exp. If you are not at the very end of the match, dashboard...
I would just like to say the WA200 and m21 are not weaker they both also do 70 base damage. But they have less damage multipliers, which makes...
Thank you Grave robber for clarifying my posts. No anything you see with the bars is inaccurate. I don't even know why they add them. People...
You have some wrong information that I don't want spread around. FMJ does NOT increase damage at all. Not one bit, so saying that it produces an...