wow i like the floor bit with the energy sword - great idea i have never seen that idea before and you have great skills with your ideas and map...
this is what i said about your othermap ruins and i will say it again "great looking map and one of the best i have seen in a long time -- keep...
great looking map and one of the best i have seen in a long time -- keep up the hard work because you are good at making maps and it shows that...
i dont realy think its an amazing map - maybe you need to improve on your skills to make better maps and good look with that --- 6.5/10 [img]
i like what i see - great interlocking and ideas gone into this map - it looks like you took along time to make this and plan this map and it...
not the best map i have ever seen but looks ok -- maybe learn new skills / ask other people what they would like from a map / spend more time on...
looks like an amazing map - looks amazing for a game of any slayor type and i cannot wait till i download it - 9.5 / 10 - good size/ shape keep...
cool looking map -- maybe you could interlock more so it would look better and it looks like a good fun map to have a game of slayer on -- 7/10...
ok.... dont realy know what its supost to be and what it is or what its supost to do but it looks ok -- and it looks fun to play on - 8/10 [img]
looks great - good morfing - good size - good shape - all together good looking - map more good maps and maybe you will get to favourates?...
i dont know how to put it but half of it isnt interlocked and the other half is over the top -- good looking mlg map tho and try and equal it out!...
nice strait smooth map - great looking best map i have seen on coldstorage but rockets and plasma pistles on mlg??? 7/10 [img]
nice job for your first map and keep up the good work -- try to interlock more and your netness could be better 7/10
i like all the morfing / interlocking great job very good looking and artistic but some of peoples comments arnt very good who downloaded it-- 8-10
i down loaded it and its great realy good skills and i realy like is keep up the good mlg work [url=]
good looking map - a bit diffrent - maybe laking some skills but you could inprove- goodluck with making more maps and try and lern diffrent...
now this looks like the sort of map i am looking for!!! great morfing - great space but... i am not badmouthing you map but is a mauler good in...
much better than nullify i would give this a 8.5/10 you have great skills and you can realy show that by the quality of maps you are producing --...
looks like a great map and you have good skill but maybee you need to try and morf things into the floor maybe? 7/10 and keep up the good work!...
thats a good idea.. there should be a voting thing and if you get a certen number of people or more voting that you should have feature but then...