You sir are AGAIN my new favorite person, dust 2 and aztec? I didnt play much aztec i was on a office and dust 2 server, but the few i did play...
No, but thanks none the less
OK, does anyone know where the !%#@&%#$@&$&!!&#$% rank list with the number of people who have achieved that rank, ive seen it before, but i cant...
Now the whole map is epic, i love it. Kinda want to play 2v2 snipers on (a lot) Rocket spawn is fantastic inside, the outside of the tunnel looks...
My gamertag is TEH Wild Mudkip, definetly want to play this, i can probs make tomorrow's, if not then definitely Wednesday's
Dont worry im putting railings on, and i was was thinking of blocking the bottom of the highway with walls and only small openings for mongeese...
yah that is what i was thinking but, i feel like it would be too cramped down there...i tryed a few but yah ill give it a go......and ill send you...
Well this is a map i essentially threw together in about 12 hours. I planned on making it in the sky and having the bottom be walls, but decided...
Id go with Soldier for sure as the default, basic, decent in everything class, Medic and sniper obviously, there both necessary, sadly you cant do...
Or you would just look like an idiot.
mind = blown GREAT reinterpretation of distortion, i love the addition of all the walkways, those should add an interesting twist to the map. I...
Looks really good, great aesthetics, im loving the crane. Not sure how gameplay would go, but whatever...but who would ever rob TD bank...its...
WAAAAAAAAAAY to opem, and with a falcon. Generally speaking the falcon is the least used vehicle for a reason, it is a god damn tank. Heres what...
I disagree entirely, i think a new high groundish map is perfect on the island. The small rivers flowing trhough add a great feel, and yes land is...
good idea i guess....but poor execution. You essentially made a tiny map with no cover except across the water on the bridge. Im assuming its only...
Damn it now im gunna waste another 4 hours of my life doing this for no reason...seing as there so addictive and you feel pretty much awesome when...
Do you cheat at forge? Come on really? Do you? Cause honestly A TREE! Your a god damn mad genius, and this is not your first epic map either....
Yes this was an issue for me when making zombie gametypes. As far as i know you can not change the starting clips, it will always be 2 extra...
Read them, Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Halo: Reach Custom Content come on really.
PLEEEEEASE MOAR PICS. I must see more. This looks truly epic. The effort into posting shows you actually care about this map so please give me...