Looks good, even though I have never played Runescape and cannot compare it. Nice forge work and the gameplay look hella fun. However the weapon...
Holy Fu- This is one of the awesomeness game announcements I have ever heard! Rock Band > Guitar Hero
Mansion Epica Dune House (If its on Sandbox)
I agree. But a mini games playlist would be a lot better. GT- ChronicFate FH- Chronic Fate
You are able to tell these are photo shopped. I won't be impressed until I see them in your file share.
True dat. By the way its a fictional book.
The city should sue for this utter ridiculousness (did I spell that right?).
Pshht. I already have night vision goggles. Just gimme the game.
I hate hypocritical trash talk, and people that call you garbage and crap like that.
I personally dislike recon. Its overrated and I don't see why people go crazy because they seen a guy with it. Its a fictional video game armor....
Bungie isn't going to stop making games, so no need for a tribute.
hehehehe.. I posted...
The game sounds extremely fun and the map is incredible. Nice interlocking! The game reminds me of the penny you wound drop down a funnel and it...
This isn't that original of an idea. I've seen it before. Its kind of hard to believe it was featured on your site. It sounds really fun though,...
Who cares, its not Bungies task to tell you what you cannot do in the video game you bought. The only thing I think Bungie disproves is cheating...
Don't do this. Its a desperate move at making a map. Sandtrap is already there. I agree with Spawn of saltin....
Master Chief was trained to be super soldier. Human's first contact with covenant was on Harvest. First off friendly, but after our race's no...
Citadel looks surprisingly small. Maybe its just a room of a gigantic map. The name Citadel kind of adds to my theory.
Nice find. Even though that looks far to big to be a skull.
First of all this is not going to be anything like World at War. It will be a new take on Modern Warfare. Second: Rifle Grenades taken out will...