Man, nice idea and use for switches in a mini game. It looks like a lot of fun.
The KotH thing doesn't work, because it's not round-based, and the ball needs to reset. Any ideas/bugs?
Isn't this bannable?
Browser would be pretty cool aswell. But I really want the clan tab.
Clan tab and multi-way chat.
Sometimes when trying to save my maps, it doesn't say Save Changes, only Save as new map... Is there anyway to fix this?
Wow they used someone elses map rofl >_>. The gametypes they have suck crap. Invisible zombies with FULL shields? WTF.
What do you guys think of it? I personally like it alot. And Bungie even merged :).
Kids have tried to kill this stain. And I'm not even joking.
This is gonna be an interesting forum.. :P You can find my soccer map in my sig.
Doesn't give him any reason to call him retarded.
Yeah, I wish I could make it bigger. There are not that many walls though, so it kinda sucks. Double boxes are too big aswell.. >_>.
Go to the link. Sign in at the top right corner with the email thats associated with your xbox live account. Press "Download Map to Halo 3" Turn...
May aswell make a thread here. I am new on these boards, and I have already made a soccer map to share with everyone. I am going to be making some...
Soccer Field v2 This map is a small 3v3 Mini Soccer Field map made on Foundry. With an elaborate and clever scoring system, it makes for some...
I have made an assault map and have deleted the normal assault spawns on foundry. They all work, I can take and plant from each side. But there is...