What the hell type of music does the singer in your Avatar and sig play? I hate it. Lol. Anyway there are more eps. I loved this when it was on...
The Pit or Construct. For second. Onslaught for first.
Screamo is gay? Noiznot.
Clearly the OP does..
Because its interesting.
I used to play RuneScape...
Ya I used too. Was about to quit until someone told me about Luring.. 44M + Two Blue Masks.. Video if you are actually interested:...
Epic. Win.
Wow theres MORE ROFL.
BJ, 8 sens. 10 is too fast imo. 8 is better for me and my lag. <3.
Where can I get a good working portable proxy?
What you need: Another account (Gold or silver(Gold works better)) Thats it. Ever ran out of space from that small 100 custom content limit? You...
Avalanche, Standoff and Sandtrap are all huge maps. They NEED that amount of BR's.
Rofl, nice.
No, the leader actually believes what he wrote. I was in chat with him and thats actually how he types....
This makes me EXTREMELY angry. Just look: http://www.freewebs.com/ns600d/mobclan.htm
Soccer R win.
I hate it aswell. It's my highest though so I am going for 45 in it... The only way you can win is if you drop that BR for an AR/Shotgun/Hammer or...
Or you could get a friend, and make two free 1 month (or 48-hour trial accounts if you bought a game that came with one of them) and do the...
Me. Vegemite is the hate.