In playtesting, the splazer acted more like an offensive weapon for killing defenders on the top of the base where the grav lift ends since the...
I was talking about the corner pieces on the bottom as opposed to Bungie's use of them on the sides of the map (I think a Brute Shot spawns there,...
I agree that they do look odd, but in order to get them to blend in would require more resources just to make it aesthetically sound. I had to...
I appreciate your points and I understand your concerns, but there is a method to my madness as I've somewhat covered in the pic descriptions. 1...
So you'd prefer something a bit more MLG like? I need 3 gameplay vids to go with my submission so if anyone wants to help out I'd appreciate it.
Thanks man. I've done a few Foundry maps but to me they were more aesthetic in some aspects than normal. But most people loved them and featured...
Thanks for the praise, it took me forever to make (since Halo Wars release and a RROD as well) but I think the time spent has been worth it. As...
I went back and forth on the ammo reserves for the sniper and had to change it back to 0 clips. During testing we had a few guys who were beast...
I had to go old school and build frames around the object first, then save/quit the pushing object at small intervals each time till it was where...
Thanks man. I find it funny, and eerie, that I have never played UM but after I got a few comments about the comparison I checked out the pics. I...
For 8 - 16 players Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer,...
Sup man. I didnt get the maps early. I got the LE of Halo Wars yesterday so I got the maps with that.
'Sup Fluffy
Nicely done MASTER. Doesn't look like you needed to change anything from the test version I played. I like the small, fast, and aggressive flow....
This issue was already forewarned in my original post. Though in testing a group of 12 didn't seem to lag that much surprisingly. The only other...
I was buying patience in bulk lol. Thanks for the praise, glad you liked it.
It really isn't that way since there are long lines of sight pretty much everywhere on the bottom floor. I guess the "ceiling" the platform makes...
You make some valid points and I thank you for it. With only having a few decent tests on this map, The weapon set was never brought up as being...
Lol! Thanks for the new sig man. As far as fav gametypes go: 1. Team Slayer 2. FFA Slayer 3. Team King 4. Oddball 5. FFA King I'm currently...
The center platform was the biggest pain in the ass to do. I had rebuilt it from the ground up 5 times to get everything as flat as possible. The...