Phase one testing went really well running one flag. Our lobby only had time for a single game, but it was a good one. The scenery has changed a...
You have to free hand it. The easiest way to do it is to take an incline and use its angle as a template to achieve your desired angle. The basic...
I did, but it looked pretty meh to be honest.
I'm hoping to get some customs going tonight if possible. Myself and a few others have some new content to test, so if you're on around 8-9 EST...
Oh yeah I remember playing this with Urban not too long ago. Got my ass handed to me too. It's cleanly forged and suits 2v2 very well. Fast and...
It took me a moment to see what you're noticing. Trust me when I say that's just and odd texture and there is no z-fighting going on, nor is there...
This, but minus the massive hit boxes, bullet magnetism, and remove ALL glitches.
Yeah this map would benefit from a fly through video instead of screenshots, but I lack a capture card. The map also looks better with the...
Blindside is a symmetric map featuring a quad-symmetric center, and mirrored symmetric bases. Built for smaller teams, Blindside is a great...
Echelon is a mirrored symmetric map set in Erosion's interior room. While the Forge pallet for Erosion isn't the prettiest thing in the world,...
Deflection is an asymmetric BTB map set on top of the default structure on Impact. Featuring a multitude of height variations and lines of...
Fracture has gone through a bit of an overhaul lately due to player feedback. Currently playable for Slayer (up to 6 teams of 2), Regicide,...
Lol I remember seeing remakes on Foundry. Yes.... Foundry.
Once I get all the structures finished I'll be taking a few more pics.
You'd be correct on the coloration of Echelon being the fault of Erosion. It's just got such a wretched hue in there. Not to mention that the...
If you're on tonight I'll get you in.
Actually, Blindside doesn't really have any rooms at all. I guess you could consider the center structure a "room", but it is open around all...
Yup, it is a good idea, and one that has been toyed with from time to time. They were called "community maps", created exactly how you describe...
Here is a sampling of maps that are either in the testing phases, or under construction. Echelon [IMG] Initially starting as a remake of...
I always feel like hugging your file share every time you release something ( it's not creepy... don't judge me). Another solid entry to an...