I like it when in games where things such as vehicles (and even players) have health, regenerating or not, that I have a Health Bar to quickly...
Lauraceae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Scroll down to Genera. Pick the one you think we should use for the name of that map we're working...
Not going to happen. Way too complex to put in with a title update, unlike gametypes with modified settings. You clearly underestimate how bad...
Gone forever. I didn't like the design or how it looked. DO YOU SEE WHAT I HAVE BECOME
I think it was the melee that made it lose charge personally. Maybe it was the grenade, maybe it was both? Who knows. Though I can say that I...
First of all, no gun except for the Sniper Rifle, Focus Rifle, and Spartan Laser have no spread. Secondly, I pretty much just outlined that there...
The biggest question I have is whether SPREAD is in the Classic Plus gametypes or not. That's the key factor in determining the Magnum/DMR/Needle...
I just started working on the aesthetics before I stopped and went to create this post. You're looking at what I consider a skeleton right now....
Yep. One versus One is the ultimate test of skill. Especially in a game that has a much heavier emphasis on team play and contains more random...
Just a heads up, this is a long ass post. If you're interested in helping me out with my current problem at hand, skip to the second half of the...
I observe from the shadows, occasionally. In fact, I'm in the middle of writing up a lengthy post as to why I haven't been doing a lot of...
u look gud in red bb asl?
I browse the site every once in a while, but I just don't post. I also don't have Gold on my account anymore and I did a mass delete of my friends...
how do i shot 17 years old
I take it absolutely zero people here have played CSS or any game with built in commands like this because it always devolves into nothing but...
That is, if they even decide to give any input to begin with considering it isn't a 100% guarantee that your map wont be skipped over.
This is too God damn funny.
Microsoft was like, **** you, Baby Munching is offensive as **** even though you've had it for like a year bro. So they made me change it and I...
**** it. I'll bite. Too lazy to dig through the entire thread, but when's the deadline?
YouTube - GTA 4 REVIEW I give this game 0 CALL OF DUTY 4's out of 5.