I'm curious if the DMR and Needler Rifle are also 3-shot like the Magnum. You say it like Bungie intended it to be a near game breaking feature...
Project Soul cannot balance a fighting game for ****. Why couldn't my brother just buy Mortal-****ing-Kombat like I suggested instead of...
Unless you're trying to make a gametype where other teams can defuse a bomb that's armed to stop them from scoring a point, you'd probably be...
By most you mean, like, 3? Depending on what you're idea of small is. Warlock, Midship, Sanctuary, Gemini, Foundation are the only ones I can...
Why would anyone play Counter Strike on consoles in the first place anyway? PC GO has mods and custom settings while consoles only have matchmaking.
Lol, I would hardly consider Halo 3 nostalgic, or anything released less than 10 years ago for that matter. When I think nostalgia, I think of...
The angle of the pics really don't showcase the sight lines as well as they could. I'm positive that there's more than enough cover on the map. I...
Yeah, except not really.
Not going to say you're wrong in that they'll be overpowered, but personally, I think they'll be a little underpowered. Especially when you factor...
Didn't realize there's only 6 days left to submit. Oh jaysus.
[IMG] .
Pffffhahahaha. I'm sorry, but this statement is just hilarious. Halo Reach doesn't play like Halo. It plays like a dumbed down Shadowrun. That...
For multiplayer, An automatic weapon that cant score headshots with a scope. Basically, ODST's SMG. For single player, Metroid Prime mixed with...
Its right in front of blues starting spawn. Ones you go up the ramp in front of their starting point its in the corner to the left. That's just...
Vanquish, and New Vegas but the latter doesn't really count as lesser known in my opinion.
Had a chance to play this last night. Loved it just about everything about it, though one of the spawn points is messed up to where Ace spawned...
I take it you haven't played Team Classic yet.
Just a quick heads up. Agamer made me a one month account because he still had some free ones on his box. Add "I Broke My PS3" so we can Forge.