What I'm mainly referring to is the simple act of moving, placing, and generally creating new geometry. It's much more difficult to do in Far Cry...
It's a picture of a man and a woman with tattoos wrestling. Nothing more. They are definitely not having intercourse or making out in the nude. I...
It's a shame our (Ace and I's) map plays a little dodgy considering we didn't have a lot of time to test it. Thanks for the positivity though....
Map name: Cassytha Map Creators: AceOfSpades0707 & Scobra Picture (1): [IMG] Bungie Download Link: Link to Map Recommended game-type...
I think you're missing the point of Forge. It's a map editor and its simplicity is the beauty of it. Since it's a map editor, you don't need to...
You forgot to mention that you can't just fly around the outside non stop. You have to wait a bit inside the map before you fly around the...
Terminal - Aside from spawning issues, it was ****ing fun. Damnation - It was ****ing fun. Danger Canyon - It was very ****ing fun. Colossus -...
I'm a few pages late but I feel the need to comment, regardless if this issue is a dead one. Try setting it to one grenade per spawn and placing...
The only one of these that I see needing changing at all is Vehicle Health. Everything else is either pointless as it can be edited in the...
I second that notion.
My 8 year old Dell PC with a stock video card and 20 gig hard drive can run any Source engine game save TF2, but that's a specific reason. Unless...
HEY GUY Are you busy? Feel like playing some haaaaallloooo? You know, like old times?
So were gonna run some tests and do some customs right now if anyone wants to join and help out. If not, that's cool too. Except not really....
K BRO I'd rather us round up a group of people we know wouldn't quit after the first game and/or would give decent feedback. I don't want to test...
No :[
I've always imagined a Halo sandbox game playing like Metroid or Castlevania SOTN. You have a long term goal, and you can choose any number of...
Prime example of Bungie doing something really cool, but falling flat on their face and neglecting to put it in the one map that mattered. I...
Dream Theater - These Walls + Lyrics - YouTube
I'm hoping that, assuming the zero bloom option doesn't mean zero spread, the Pistol would be what it always should have been: A strong weapon to...