lolololololol RST has no thingy! I like to read.... YOUR EMAILS!!!!!!
THE BEES!!!!! GET THE HELL OFF ME, GET THE HELL OFF ME!!! Anyway on another note, Sarge o_0!
If that's true then my bad, but I still don't know..... It's not every day you see an old thread bumped by someone's first post...... I've got my...
If that's what you want to do then that's what you want to do. I prefer to play the game how I want to play it not how other people "say" I should...
Well, you want to choose whatever you like. Look at all the specs (every move or just for the next 10 levels or so) and then see which one you...
.... Either you are the guy that made the map in witch case rofl, 1 post! fail much? or you dislike the guy that made the map and are trying to...
Blender is strange but when you get used to it you can do anything any other program can do (might take longer) and the best bit is you can use...
I hate everything about runscape. The people don't even get pissed off when you troll them :( WoW is tank, or at least it was. I've played pretty...
Added the greatest epic fail of a video the word has ever seen! The bit at the end is me trying to stop recording :P Thanks, I'm working up to my...
I fail horribly when it comes to other things on the computer/internet so I'm not the greatest at making videos but I'll just look it up on...
I know. I did them in like 2 mins on paint (epic fail) Well, graphics wasn't what I was aiming from in this but when I'm done I might add more...
I've started making a game (to get used to programming) and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for things I could add to make the game more...
You don't need to say (NOT ADVERTISING). If they banned you for "advertising" with that then everyone should be banned if the say the name of...
It was you and the guy that likes chilly!
DONT LIE!!!! I know what i saw!!!!
JOKES ON SARGE!!!!! He took something from me, and now.... I'm going to take something from him!
Bigger, brighter and less green island. I also changed a few other things as you can probley see!
That explains a lot..... I finished today :D Now to work on my game and then get sidetracked to bioshock!
I don't no RS, I don't know... I once had a Yugio card worth around $150! but I lost it with the rest of my cards... SW Attacktics FTW (most...
Changed it a bit. Still might be to green though :O Maybe I should make the island bigger?