I couldn't agree more. Ok... I honestly don't give a cluck about hayabusa armor or elites. Who gives a crap if everyone uses hayabusa? If they...
I change my mind about what I said. That picture of a spartan with a flaming helmet on Bungie.net says "Exclusive armor affect for Legendary...
That would be so epic.... Halo is 94758384593987502375438246503745932857956348252375 times better than any game EA could make. They obviously...
Halo 3! What did you expect? Anyway, here's a better list... Halo 3: 1400 Saints Row: 880 Gears of War: 870 Dead Rising: 820
That would be sweet. I'm hoping that there is 2 kinds of armor effects. 1) The one's you use in matchmaking and can choose/buy etc. Only effects...
Oh god. Green smoke/lightning might only be the tip of the iceberg! God help us all, god help us all.... As for the thing with the skulls, I...
Lightning/green smoke better be king no life item. I don't want to see green smoke, lightning or fire wherever I look :/
A wise gobbler once said "May the triangle be with you only on tuesdays".
I live in NZ but since it's the holidays my timings gone to hell :/ I'm currently making my own game and I have 4 days left to finish it! I might...
1+1=a cow? Mount climb up and fall down!
Pre-owned here is where someone buys a game, gets sick of playing it and returns it for $10 or so off another game. They then sell that copy for...
I would join but every time I'm on the server is offline. If it were online it might motivate me. Is there a video of gameplay? That might help.
Is it just me or does that say you get recon as long as it's not pre owned? I thought pre-ordering was the only way?
Did I just here that there are only 4 multiplayer achievements? SON OF A B***H!!!!
If you are talking about the themes thing then yes I do think about how complicated it would be. About as complicated as changing the camo on a...
I did it on IE with windows and I got the same thing (when the server was online)
That would be sweet. Reminds me of TSFP. Who here thinks blood gulch was forged? I personally don't think so but I hope I'm wrong!
So I went to this site http://www.ebgames.co.nz/xbox/product.cfm?id=14899&refer=rightcol and it said I can haz recon if I pre order (which I did...
Is that all you get from pre-order? I forgot completely what you got and now it's REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!! I spend my days trying to remember...
I have a smaller version for my sig. That ones just larger so you can see all the detail better. What do I need to improve on?