sorry man, i jumped the gun a bit. remove the discussion in the group if you want, it was a hasty thing. i'm just a bit ambitious to get stuff...
Hey Kings, i'm gonna post a sign up thread for FFC. can you PM me your details (ie, times, game lists etc.) thanks alot
i'm gonna put up a post (sign up) for my lobby. pm your hosting rules .etc and i'll get it up (/shesaid). get back to me asap PLZ. thanks
i'll create the host thing under "meet the hosts" and write up my schedule there. can do 4-5 EST one week saturday and 3-4 every other week with...
found tha hosting template:)
where are said templates? (and requirements) Thanks
do you have any experience making halo reach MLG maps? if you do, i could use adding you and goin through my new map with you. sound alright?
shall i see if BIOC want to use your Linear infection map you showed me? it might get a little more attention in their lobbies.
I really love the windows at the center overlooking the rockets. the predictability with the spawning really makes it possible to spawn trap,...
i can be on for forging tonight 4-5; i think. i'll invite you if you're online. i'll pm you a small segment of the map's design if you want, it's...
Cant forge 2nite cos im in a bioc custom lobby. if there s no room i'll join in with you
What? can i join in! Edited by merge: I Lol'd so hard at that
added plasma pistols and an extra needler as well as increased spawn times here and there. *Magnums are in as well* sorry my bro booted u...
i'm gonna be forging tomoz with bullet wanna join in 4-5 EST?
did you like teh weapon setup i pm'd u?
gotta go
i'm only on between 3-4 EST. sorry, but i cant bend that. i could go 3-4 but not 2-3
if you can get on b4 4 (overuse of 4) that'd be good cos i have to come off then:(
Still in skool?
are you on at 3-4 tonight your time? if, so, i'll start up a forge with you. i have a weapon list already, i'll pm that to u