im on at 11:33
hey im on noon til 1/2pm GMT. Can you be online for a 3rd test of impurity? i know we're in different timezones so that might not work
i went for impurity, chasm sounded too suggestive[cave]
thats ok. ive got basic res zones now. can u do 12 - 3 Pm?
hey can you be online in 10? im testing a map so i need some players
can i haz judging?
on in 10 for epic sexy testing *mins
saw you on my map test earlier.
10 past 4 actually...
in bout 1/2 hour so... yeah
ok cool. i want to do some testing!
cant get on xbl til 4 cos mah bros online.
kk. thanks for the feedback :)
hey remkings, did you like the map? i might get a test on it 4-5 EST or 9-10 GMT so if youre interested, here i am. also, can you add me?
hey waterfall, can you make it for 4-5 ?
c u 2nite then
how bout4-5 tho? im on then
Yay found the things to modify the mlg gametypes for my 2v2/3v3 :)
bye. ill be back soon maybe 10 minutes
sorry. can you try and get enough people for a 4v4 tonight? me stevo you waterfall maybe skintsniper anyone else?