INTP Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Thinking(75%) Perceiving(11)% You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion...
cool. link me to the thread when it's up
It is a shame that I decided I wanted to jump on the remake bandwagon so late. I loved the CE maps, and I recently did my own reach remake. This...
Forging an inf map around a train. NEEDS MOAR HELP... Can you PM or VM me when you're around? do you have twitter? if so, im @TrueHeretic Tweet me...
I don't like the map so I am not going to rub my testicles of love all over it. I love you
Quote: Originally Posted by Xx Overkill VR [IMG] looks like you focused all your resources on the wheel... I have 2000 budget left. I...
One quick Gametype related question: Can humans jump? if so, they arent necessarily barred from the bus if they stay outside. I had a similar...
maybe just experiment in forge with an aesthetic to replace the glass that is suitably interesting
hey, just posted on the anniv project... i'd love to help out and build (maybe) a map with you. i'd like to build a fairly accurate remake of...
Can you remake Wizard Instead? i find that Warlock isn't... Simple, maybe...enough to feel like CE. However, that might well be my personal views....
whoa, i sounded like a troll then... what i mean is, you should put a tiny bit moar (lol) thought into the power weapon placement and base...
Right, This is my first map thingy on FH, so don't Bite. Much. i was forging recently, and was looking for inspiration for 1v1 maps. i fired up...
sexy last pic is sexy. how did you do that walkway and what with? definitely getting that quake vibe as well. nice work, shame it wont be posted
Yes, it isn't op. in fact, it is needlessly u.p. a high re-spawn, and a 0 clip on a sniper will be frustrating to any competitive player. i have...
dude, keep forging like this and very soon you will be a known forger. i felt the central atrium had quite a quake-esque feel, with lots of height...
sounds cool. originally, being an mlg map, the idea was to include CTF, KOTH and slayer, but now the baby has grown up (LOL) so i would love to...
holy mother of god, my eyes just lost their virginity. twice. This looks like an amazing re-imagination. I HAVE TO look around this... good show...
yeep. sorry, i'm unable to keep you on my friends list as i couldnt really justify that i know you in person to my parents. hey, their fail. yes,...
hey, i saw you post on a Thread involving chiron TL-34. im re-imagining the map atm and was wondering if i could have some of the notes you...
kl. ill be aroun=d from 8-10 GMT. ill probs stay for an hour and then get forging. idk