Give it a try if you want.
Evening People of the Interwebs I need some clever, witty people to have some fun doing some small captions for me. I do also need some daft,...
YouTube - Will It Blend? - Halo 3 Will it blend - Halo 3
So what you going to put on the news? Marty in spandex? Unfortunately I'm out and about next week. But the powers of Microsoft mobiles and RSS...
So any news on what we shall see coming next week being auto posted to the news? I have a idea that we shall see more of orbital before the fat...
Indeed, but it is Sunday! And reply on my profile, I have to keep coming back to your profile to see if you replied! Making it hard for us Brit's,...
Down time at moment. Our host couldn't handle the In - out traffic so were looking for a new host now. Should be back just after Christmas time.
Much thanks Keep your ears peeled for some audio about to arise on forge hub in next week.
Seriously, its the weekend. Stop working :P
Much love for recommending me for the Forgecast If you need any voice work for your flash's, just ask.
True, i wouldn't mind urk on it with us. Would be a laugh!
If not, im sure you or Dan can host, I hosted ours at the RPG but not being staff here then im not going to step up to it.
Cant see why not with Shock at the helm.
Sweet, gunna be a good show.
Working hard, im on the forgecast monday too!
You on the podcast this monday?
didnt see that coming, what you get on?
Was very good Also got Tankmen on the blog as well! Woop woop!
what version?