Well those are the final prizes take 'em or leave 'em.
Oh wow I'm sooooo Impressed, Look ******, I really don't care if you say I'm gonna get banned, if I do, so help me god I will ****ing hunt your...
OMG I know I cant wait to get banned, but please, tell me, when was the last time you've banned someone, douchbag.
Sorry you read wrong and I wrote kinda wrong there, you pick ONE of those prizes, they dont all come into one prize.
Hey guys it's MLG, I'm here to offer free lessons for Major League Gaming with my semi-pro all girl team, Team Foxy. We will do almost any request...
Depends, what do you mean by "two person"?
Hey guys, MLG here once again, and I'm here with a brand new contest that doesn't involve making those pesky signatures again. This contest will...
sorry i g2g please send a friend request on xbl to NOVA ROFL, i talk to you tomorrow.
Hi, go to aim real quick so we can talk mmk?
how many do you have done? You should stop making them when you have 4 for you and 4 for me.
i was referring to the peeps who made that shop lol
so do u want more money, do you want to do the text for it, please pm me if so
just send me the whole thing and dont forget to put the background like they did... also, if you want more money, you can do the text too.
please pm me when your done
Alright guys I have found my man, I'm not posting his name without permission, and he's getting paid, so for all of you guys that denied the fact...
ya, i still do classes for graphics and whatnot, you have a few hours please do it FAST
and on the sig shop stuff, you need to hurry I cant be on all weekend, for school purposes, we need to make it by tonight, so go fast!
There is more than one people using this account, my sister and two brothers, and me, I dont mess around with info stuff, I just go on the forums,...
Summary Award-winning graphic designer and art director experienced with corporate identity, packaging, print collateral,...
what exactly do you want, my resume? I can send it or post it.