this is probably THE most kick ass skate map and mongoose map overall 10 out of 5 keep up the amazing work insta down load for me and hopefully...
dude i completely agree i love double tracks and hope to see alot more yours is amazing keep forgin man! the way u made the bases was incredible does the tank spaw like that oe did u put it like that for the shot?
i like this alot its an infection map in reverse where the zombies fight for survival rather then the humans very clever definetly a 5 star rating...
this is by far the best helms deep remake ive ever seen cant wait to see wats next from you im for mt.doom or maybe minis tirith?
i must say this is an extemly accurate version of the UT map that i know i love and so do many others
i love the maze kind of maps there so fun if u have more ideas please make them!
omg i loved the first one and i love this one even more especially since that wall is smooth!!! LMAO i nearly pissed my pants in laughterXD
the only thing i can say is............. is there gonna be more godly goodness raining down from the heavens like this map?
this map is not extremly detailed but who cares! this map looks awesome i cant wait to dl and start playing whos with me?
this map is fabulous although i did not see interlocking im not like like that but this map looks absolutley incredible i cant wait to dl and play
very cool seems like alot of fun i also love that youre one of the few people who put a sentinel beam on there map thats anohter reason why i love u
ha lol this is really funny and fun you shouldve hid one pistol because we all know that theres always one guy who so happens to have a gun
i think this map is really good i dont care about interlocking or armories but i would add more cover for the zombie spawn but otherwise this map...
i think u should raise the damge resistance a lil bit jus so that way its not complete chaos but still crazy enough to play
this map is die hard amazing i cant wait to freak my friends out with this i usually never want to be the zombie in infection games but this map...
very very cool looking i like the layout og the floors and good weapon placing cant wait to get some intense action on here 5/5
looka extremly fun cant wait to play an ey 5/5
very risky idea bujt war really great i think u should make it territoies one under each ufo but still a 5/5
i dont thing shot guns and griff ball should EVER be mixed