^Moved From Version 2^ Try and keep all talk about From Above in the Version 3 Thread.
No, I haven't posted it with the testers guild. Ill check that out. The rocket pod, I kind of remember trying it. If it works then thats a great...
Okay I finally finished "From Above V3". Now I wouldn't say that the changes are big but were asked for in the comments. Updates 1) Added in 2...
Thats funny that you mention a warthog drop. I think you will be pleased with the release of the next version. Its almost finished so i'll...
Hahaha, Thanks!
I think you need to calm down. You shouldn't have posted this map if you only want people to like it. I'm sure someone enjoyed this map but I do...
Yeah, you've defiantly given me lots to think of.
I don't get these kinds of maps. Why not get the skulls on your own. Its just seems lazy to me. Anyways, if you must make a map like this I will...
Thanks for the help, ill add you next time I get on. I never thought about putting humans in vehicles. Good Idea!
*** update.... Almost done with version 2.1 ***
Haha, yeah whats up with that, did he not read anything?
Oh Br00t kilre its actually my map (stevey101). Phoenix has just been helping my a lot on these forms. Im glad you like the map. I've wanted to...
Oh yeah of corse ill mention you. I haven't been on xbox lately so ill accept it next time I go on.
Thanks, I just remembered that I planed on putting in fire grenades on the map, I'll play test with them in and then release and update soon :)...
Ill download it tomorrow and then post my feedback. Overall I think it looks pretty nice. Oh and nice first post too!
Oh right, wow how did I miss that one :p, the gravity and tele-porters may work. Still waiting for a good idea to come to me :p
Yeah, I have tried using sentenial beams. They worked well but sometimes were a little to easy. I may bring them back in the next update to give...
Okay, any reason why the rockets and fuel rods don't work for you? Im only trying to make it better, thats all.
Very Nice Map, All Mini-games seem well done. Definite DL from me!
Okay, starting work on the map now.