Is this Samurai? Did you seriously take my idea?
is this samurai?
Dude this is so cool. I can't wait to try the downhill Teleporter dodging :D
This map seems endless by the look of your screenshots. How can you fit all this in Foundry? Haha, I'll go download and see for myself.
That's amazing. It's like the pieces were meant to be put together like that.
Holy Crap! Definite download man! Best ship I've EVER seen!
It's pretty simple. I like the ledges above the doors. These are some nice adjustments, however simple they may be.
Are those Dumpsters supposed to be cars?
This looks like it'll be interesting. I can see myself playing games on this a lot, you got my download.
I'd like to see some seats... haha
Amazing.... I thought you'd give me some piece of crap map with ramps and grav lifts, but you got a bowl and a perfectly curved Vert ramp. You...
It's like a better version of mine! (Custom Power Up + Two Walls + Dumpster + Gravlift. Opens only.) I give you props.
It's flawless. I Love it, I really do. This is definitely the best way to close up an entire wall. But it takes up a lot of space(?)
This is the most unique idea I've ever heard of in Halo 3. Props dude.
Wow dude, looks great. The ladder, although unoriginal now, looks great, unlike most that I see which are just plain crooked. Window panels look...
This has awesome written all over it.
Looks interesting.
Yeah, I am. I'm making a Hayabusa vs Recon Map. The Recon Helmet looks better in my next one. Waaayyy better. It makes this one look like crap....
Wow this looks complicated. Great thinking! Have you seen the one I made? It's just a Custom Power Up through a wall, and when you pick it up,...
Wow, I was just about to make this yesterday. I'm glad you thought it out, good job. It reminds me of my Door Switch. I had imagined it to be...