Yeah, I'm definitely going to do ODST and Rogue. I just have to figure out how. : P
xkevlar wants to play this. : ) Looks pretty interesting, me and my friend were going to make a Jurassic Park map, too, this could probably help.
Does the entire map take place in this central area?
It's basic, but I like how you used the Geometry of the shapes to your advantage. (example: Wire Spool + Barricade = Cockpit) I give it a 3ish4ish/5.
That's awesome! Isn't it weird how this idea is so simple, yet original? I think this belongs more to the Casual Category, but I'm not completely...
It looks really close to the actual one (besides the nose, but that's probably the best you can get) and it's the first plane I've ever seen....
It's a bit sloppy, even though it is a mountain. It's too small and I can see ways to get out easily, but hey, it is an Aesthetic. I give it a 3/5 : P
According to the Bnet Poll (that's right peeps, I said B-net, haha) Rogue is next.
Haha! You kept the spine : ) I'm going to download even though I already have it, haha. (Sorry I couldn't help on this one.)
I give it a 4. I think it's really good considering how it's supposed to be a v2 of the Default map. 4/5 1 Star? Wow, some immature people here...
Can't wait till v2 comes out (tomorrow). It's gonna be awesome!!
It looks pretty similar to a pmd nmd's or something. Haha, hold on, I forgot his name.
Looks awesome. This is probably one of the few ships that actually seem like they'd be in the UNSC.
It was a lot of saving/quitting and starting new rounds. You can only imagine how frustrating that is. : P
Now you don't have to compare this map to an already existing one. I don't think that that's fair judgment. I think it was okay. At least he gave...
It doesn't look too interesting by the looks of the screenshots, but if it's Featured, it should be pretty damn good. I'll go check it out for...
Dude, that looks so awesome! I was literally freaked out when I saw this.
How did I not see this earlier?! I'm a big fan of Tunnel Rats 2, I can't wait to play this one.
Wow, really, really detailed. You don't see much maps like these.
Congratulations: one of the first maps that I've seen on Avalanche that actually looks neat.