That's awesome. A perfect Aesthetic for Sandbox. This would be great for a Machinima.
Wow. That actually means a lot to me. That's awesome, thanks.
Oh really? That's interesting... Now I need to find out what Twitter is haha
Any ideas on which Elite helmet? If I ever get around to making it, I'll put you in the description for the idea. :)
1) I finished exactly a month after I was given the maps (Feb 23 - Mar 23), but I didn't work on it every day, and on the days I did work on it,...
I don't support the Infinite Money Glitch. A Bungie Employee, 'Master,' told me that it tends to screw up gameplay, although it might not seem...
-Download Link- Hey everyone at Forgehub! I haven't been online for a while, since Sept. 5, 2008 to be exact, but I wanted my return to be with...
I barely got your message about the prank until today. Haha, I haven't signed on since September. I saw the prank a while back, though, that was...
Last Online: 11-05-08
Nah, nothing. I wasn't expecting anything anyways. And yeah, the thing by his head says 'R7,' for Real7alk.
Yes! It made it into's Weekly Update. : D
Thanks, everyone, I'm glad you guys are enjoying this once, especially since a lot of people thought that my first one looked like crap, haha. I...
I gotta say... This is a really... 'odd' looking map. It looks clean, just odd. I'll download it and see for myself tomorrow.
All of Yesterday and Today minus the time I was in School. What sucks is that I accidentally deleted the map : (
Haha, this never gets old whenever I see someone make it. : )
Yeah, if I didn't see that the head could be made out of the moon, I probably would have never came up with this idea.
[IMG] "This is Halo-ween, This is Halo-ween" Download Don't forget to add the Halloween Tag.
Haha, thanks Ace. You don't go on anymore, do you?
Geez dude, you can sure take a beating from most of the people on this Forum. Kudos for being the bigger person. I'd've been on these guy's asses...
Yeah... They are... Any actual comment? Haha ',: \