Hey. You do know that the sig request size, 300x 52.5 is very small right? I just wanted to make sure so you don't get something unexpected.
You've definently improved your animations. Good job. You may want to make the last one quicker. Although doing that would require a whole lot of...
http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/ -- theres the link
I might not be able to get it till next week though, unless I can find a render. I will be gone this weekend and I can't get on my Xbox during...
Yea, thats good.
Here's my entry. This is my first stock sig so its probably not that great. My goal is to manage at least one vote. =) [IMG]
It would look better if they blended in a little better...and I think your sig is too big. Correct me if I'm mistaken.
Ok, sorry for getting a little off topic but is there any chances of conciquence for using a Keygen?
Oh, I can't afford photoshop...although I still have that trial.
I like V6 the most. The contrast between the eye and the stock. I also like the lighting effects. By the way...how did you create those lighting...
I mostly learned through experience. I did use tutorials on youtube to figure out what some of the buttons did though.
lol, sorry. I've had the image for over a month now and never knew how to use it. I had to render it myself.I'm going to update the first post...
Im going to upload as soon as I can. It could take a little while...I think I need to register with sketchup.
Wow...I thought this thread was dead. Thanks for the ideas guys. sdrakulich, I'll go ahead an upload it. I haven't been able to do much with...
[IMG] Here is this one. I made it in a few minutes. If you want me to change anything just tell me. I can do it immediately. Here is a...
uh, what is that? mind explaining a little rather than just putting a picture on my visitor page and not explaining.
I think its kinda funny. Hes just joking around and at the same time protesting against an overused animation.
Ok, here is my entry...yes I know that the rain effect is overused. The sole reason I decided to use the rain was because it fits in with the...
Uh, CaMOfo..whats up with the sig you posted...I read it and doen't understand why you posted it...is you try'n to advertise some'tin? Edit:: I...
Ok, I have a problem. This is my first animation other than rain and I am wondering which sig I should enter in the SOTW 8 contest. Here are the...