hey ares i take back what i said about spooner street and i hope we can play it soon
actually i did try and add a mine cave type of thing, but it didn't work so i hadto not include it, sorry
As you spawn inside this experimental minig facility you get three routes to lead you into the map. The map named Underground because it is...
okay once again nice job on the map. all of the buildings feel open enough not to be campable but the same with the other map the exterior or land...
i have to agree with Remkings on the fact that there are not many pictures. but i like how you utilized the terrain very well and made the map...
I've got an infection map it is made by SawtoothMoney86(me) and my friend Epic Shooter. works with every infection gametype but it has a special...
once again another great map, that has a good open feel but still has plenty of cover provided by aesthetics that actually look like they are...
Wow, this map has some great aesthetics which really seem to add to the map, and the openess of the map really gives it a great feel. this map...
thanks and i hope you get anniversary because there are lot of good maps out there that's why i said 2-4 players
sorry this is my first post, but from what you see does the map look good? would you download it? if not then please tell me
Curse is a small MLG Style slayer map meant for 2-4 players. elevated platforms and tombstones cover this once vacant landscape which has now...