Okay if you find anything that needs fixing then just tell me and we can work on it also would you mind showing me your newest map? i'd really...
probly not the most creative idea but definitely a good one, that was a smart move making it there but why don't you make a map in forge world?...
wow nice job, i really like how you incorporated a look of different designs to make the map feel unique. i also really like how you made really...
oakley if you think some slight tweaks can be made then why don't we hop into a game next time your on and do the tweaks?
hey flying you know this map is alreay done and tested, people camp in those places for some random reason i don't know and does everyone think...
also from the one comment i saw it looks like they said there wasn't enough cover, do you mind if i take a few more shots and put them on my...
dude this is preview post and the map actually has a ton of cover the angles these screenshots was taken at obviously does not show the cover
map name updated
k thanks love the picture, i have some ideas on what to do and i'll hope on reach soon and the name changed, no need to worym sorry i didn't reply...
wow nice job. the contrast with the gray blocks is really good and not dull. there are many routes for the teams to take to reach the opposite...
wow i just got off a game on this map and it was super fun defintiely download and play it! the gameplay just really flowed nicely and it was...
nice job on this map. the map definitely has good geometry and feels like a real infection map. any one way entrances appear to be short and not...
wow you weren't kidding when you said colour on every wall. i like how the color really blends into the wall and feels like an actual part os the...
what mean't by random is in the third picture where that 2x2 block appears to be floating, did i say it was? no! i said it was a god map and you...
Here's what the map does well: it utalizes the rocks well but like lynx said it's kind of sloppy, the objects look forced and don't flow as well,...
the map looks great but some of the blocks feel randomly place other than that the contrast of gray is balanced well and it do feel sort of...
definitely has some average aesthetics but other than that the track looks great and nice and smooth, this looks like a fun race track but not as...
i just saw the pictures of the challenges and my the bottom of my mouth was on the floor. the map definitely looks like a great jumping, obstical...
the map itself is well laid out and unique, definitely a match for asylum but the Z-fighting with the braces at rocket spawn could cause some...
wow i really like how the blocks all blend together to create a truly unique piece of art with great geometry, also the layout allows the map to...