You found someone to forge with? You seem good from your 2 maps, I have an awesome idea, just need someone to help me build on it. I'm a good...
Get inspiration from everyday stuff you see... If you're in geometry, you're writing a proof on an interesting shaped object, think about how it...
Someone who's good with racing maps, and knows how to make a working scoring system. Post here, send me a F/R, AIM me, whatever. I'll give you...
You joined July of 08... How would you know?
Which will soon put me out of business. :[ I can still edit videos though! :D
Good video. MLG Guardian is asymmetrical... Lol. What's the name of the song?
I remember you. You helped with Tremors... right? Or something. Glad to see an original (by original I mean like first 5) guilder to be back at...
Um... Congrats?
Any chance of the US getting a similair deal?
Definate DL for me. Very original, interlocking looks great, great weapon choice, and it seems it would be semi-fair (as fair as meant to be) for...
I can't tell you much about the game, other than what I learned from a google search a few months ago. It's a strategy game like C&C games... All...
Not to mention cap carding is like 500000000x faster? And better quality if you have a good cap card. One thing some people can't seem to grasp is...
Uh... Cool? I know I've bene around since very early in the WordPress.
I'm definately gonna go with Cortana, she's mad hot. JK lol... Luigi!
iPhone's are way overrated IMO... I'd rather have a chocolate... Especially since Verizon >>>>>> AT&T LOL...
A definate DL for me, looks amazing. Keep making more! I think you could've taken better screenshots though...
Fifa 09, maybe Cod5, a new phone (probably a chocolate, I have a first gen enV and HATE it)... Idk... maybe something else...
That's tight... Care to explain a bit more?
CoD4 pissed me off because of all the lucky kids that play it... I was a top 100 player until I quit, had over 1000 posts on the GB forums, and...
Um... E = MCsquared right? Energy = Mass * (Speed of light * Speed of light)... How did that little particle gather enough energy to harness such...