I remember in the beginning all of FB was using Default, pretty sure Walshy still uses default. EDIT: Bumper Jumper/ 4 for me. :]
November 15th... That's plenty of time. I'm in. Does it have to be competitive styled?
The whole button layout is throwing my whole game off... Anyone wanna play some BR arenas/ MLG FFA's to help me get used to it? And work on my...
I'm going to go with 1. Snipedown - He's new to the circuit, but comes in and dominates. 2. Neighbor - Accompanying his ridiculous sniper comes...
I'm bad at Halo, trying to get better. I've found that playing BR arenas and small MLG FFA maps help quite a bit. I have a few good maps, send me...
Yeah, I've already went back to default once before, not doing that again, it messed me up x3.
I remember you. Haven't seen you in a long time. Back on topic. Sorry we can't connect, guess you'll have to find someone else.
Wow. This is simply beautiful. So beautiful I had to write a review before I even did a forge through. The interlocking is WONDERFUL, I especially...
If you ask me, everything seems a bit... crowded. But maybe that's just me. 4/5 + a DL, more feedback after a forgethrough.
quadplex - Wiktionary Seems to fit nicely. Quad____ sounds good, but I like quadplex. Up to you in the end though. The map looks great so far.
Eep. I'll probably be able to Forge on Wednesday whenever you get home, and then Thursday too. I don't ever get home until 3:30 or so either, so...
Alright, sounds like a plan. I have my own project I'm currently about to start, and told 2 other people I'd help them. I'm not sure if I'll be...
Send me a F/R, I might be available tomorrow, definitely Wednesday.
I'll help if you want, I don't have much experience with switches though, I know the basics.
What do you need help with? Spawns? Interlocking/ Geomerging?
Gah I've been playing super bad after switching it, I turned my sensitivity down to 1 and still can't snipe... I hope it's just a slump. :[
I'm really starting to like it, and see how much of an advantage it could be when using it. Anyone have any tips on how to use it better, or how...
I don't feel like it. Lol. Many reasons. One, I want to talk to you about the map before I start building, so you can point out possible flaws,...
Actually I'm not sure if I'll be available tomorrow, it's iffy. Wanna just get a headstart on it tonight, so we'll have something started if I...
Alright, see you then. Send me a friend request sometime, I already have a lot of it planned out.