hidden valley
I'm 16 I still play it haha.
What would you suggest doing as a new player starting a brand new character?
Thanks man, any suggestions on where/ how to get some extra caps?
I'm currently like level 5, what should I do to get some good guns and started out and stuff?
Yes. But thanks for your input.
Anyone else still play? I've been playing for like 4 years on and off, games so addicting.
I had to totally reinstall Windows 7, formatting my harddrive. I improperly uninstalled Ubuntu, but that's besides the point. I need you guys to...
What are some fun jumping maps?
Most of my friends got bored of Halo a while ago, so is there any fun single player mini game maps? Like puzzle maps but not puzzle maps? haha
Haha I think I did, I don't remember it at all though.
No worries, I don't recognize the name either. Haha yeah I made a return about a year ago as well :P
Dec 10th, 2007 join date, lmao. I used to post way back then, anyone remember me? I might start posting again. Some people I remember: Insane,...
Most of these links are broken... can anyone suggest some good remake maps?
Usually I'm sitting in study hall doodling and something will come to me so I'll sketch it out and by the end of study hall I have a v1 planned....
This looks very nicely forged. I see a lot of ghost merging. One thing I might recommend is when you are typing up your description and...
It seems like all of my friends are busy tonight so I'm just gonna be staying up all night playing Halo... pretty lame. Add me if you wanna play...
I found an idea in the imagination database that sounds like it would be really fun to both forge and play on, but the only problem is I can't...
I'm interested in how you're planning this out. I think I might have an idea of what you're getting at. Invite me to a forge sometime, I think I...
Haha I like the way you put that. I think it might be neat to make 2 asymmetrical bases connected by a bridge. Have you put thought in to how you...