I LOVE this game, excellent job! v3??
one thing you should od is make the map look nicer, add som walls, give that fancy, comfy feeling
thats wat makes it fun, nice job kid, keep it up, you should post this in the asetic map section to, it looks nice
one words defines it "AMAZING" this is one of my FAVORITE games, i hope for v2!
nice map, outstanding job, you should make a v2
this is cool, its been made, ALOT, but NEVER with mongoosses, nice job one thing that you might consider fixing is the surronding barriers, its...
thats awesome, how long did it take you This is classed as spam - Infraction Given - TexturedSun
this is really cool, i want to put this in my maps, can i?? (ill put you in the credits) do you know how to do this with a dumpster
a VERY amazing remake, i love it alot, especially the ladder, ive never seen a working ladder before, overall, great job, you should make some...
I Love this map, but one thing that i think would make it better (its really small) but the camo spawn box, flip it over, it will look so much...
good idea, im workin on v4 with a very evil twist........ *Evil Laugh*
Thx man, alot of testing and alot of thought was put into this, right now im working on v4, this time with a twist............................
you cant add territorys to infection games......sadly and just so people know when you get to one side, you must go back, repeting the process
How, ive tried lots of things, but please note that the popular game cats and mice relyes on the honur system
Shark & Minos v3 Created by Spitfire288 Now 100% UNcheatable ALL Honor rules have been taken care of, try to cheat all you want (you'll FAIL )...