I would make it so the humans do higher damage, and zombies have limited health, so it's a 2 hit magnum kill, 1 shot to take down shields, and...
I have the strangest urge to join your Forge game, and kill myself 17 times attempting to kill you.
This is a really solid map! I really like the use of Pillars and braces, it gives the map a strange, unique feeling of isolation and abandonment.
The use of Collesium Windows for deltas is a bit lazy, and looks kinda sloppy overall.
Really nice use of the Tempest space, the FX and Lights give it a completey different feel. Is that little EMP ray moving? I swear to God...
This map looks very baren, and has little cover. It looks like you put no effort into weapon placement, instead putting them all at the start,...
This map looks like a great shoutout to some of your older maps, but I have a few concerns. First, the constant use of headstones kinda clumps...
I like how you centered the map around the tree, it provides a decent amount of cover, and looks very good and decorative.
He know's he;s skrewed anyways.
It looks like the spot where the turret is has a gap that should be filled in, the elongated wall of sandbags looks out of place, and I'd add some...
It's a great theme, but I think you really need to emphasize and center the map around the train tracks. Based on the preview, it looks a bit too...
I really like the columns, but it looks a tad bit open for an MLG map.
Hate to be over critical, but this looks quickly but together, with obvious decorative peices, little attention to detail and little unique...
Fantastic! You're use of the curved bridges and man cannons are incredible. I'm making a map similar to this, where it's centered around a...
The amount of human camping spots you built in shows how little you thought of this from the Zombie's perspective. The inability to kill any...
This map looks decent, but definately lacking in aesthetics and detail. Your pictures show no perspective from the inside of the buildings, and...
This should be linked as the custom gametype on the Bansheeball map.
I really like the way the green colors give the map a certain environment, but your pictures don't really show how the map connects, so a video or...
I hope they make ZB a seperate playlist. Frankly, I liked the bloom. Without it, the DMR will become an overused weapon, constantley rewarding...
Zombies map? This looks ragequitably unbalanced.