Great. Looks straightforward so far. I look forward to reading more of this, as it's hard to find good fiction on the internet, because most of...
Very Good. A faithful remake, with very appropriate placement, and even little details like the crashed car (which probably could've been done a...
The Map looks pretty solid, but a few techniques you used, including the block ramps and garage, really make this stand out of the many maps that...
Another Insanmiac Shoutout, you're on a roll man.
The Warthog Billboard was an amazing idea.
Now all I need to do is build a GLaDOS from the Center. Great map, you pulled off the dome amazingly.
I really liked Relapse. I'm not a big 1v1 fan, but the simplicity of the map really made it unique and engaging.
Ah, I remember this. Great gameplay, but the excesive use of 4x4 blocks makes the central tower a bit unatractive. I'd try and add a bit of...
It's funny because it's true.
Oh yeah, congrats on the FTF Feature.
Yeah, sure.
I like the use of windows for a track, and the track itself looks smooth and balanced. I'll be sure to give this a DL.
The tower looks gorgeous. I think it would look a bit better on some raised platform personally, but overall nice. Another great map!
The Lava looks great! As a suggestion, I would use Double Doors or Windows in order to get thinner more track looking rails on the minecart rails.
Wait, when did you become a Brony, that is, if you actually are?
Nice, You'll have to use that forklift on some other map, I can't really see a definite theme or layout of the map, but overall it looks very well...
Nice Map, the FX seem really solid. Also, does it sit on it's own nuts?
Wow, the lighting and details on this map blows me away, but the use of random miscelenious junk (ei: soccer balls, traffic cones) is a bit of an...
Finally! I would've like to see some incorporation of Rock pieces into it to steer away from the bland 'all metal' feel.
It looks good, but the aesthetics make it look a little too cluttered, also, I'd suggest using a 2x1 flat block, with a small shield door over it...